
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Google Sites...Thank You

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Google Sites just keeps on getting better.  I have only recently shared a unconference workshop on the updates on Google Sites....

This week I discovered some more new features and I just want to use them and sing about it!!!

Metaphorically speaking!!!

- these are my new best friends.  How much better will my website now be.  Sorry Google Drawings...I no longer need you on this task!

But, wait...there's more...

Layouts - wow this will also be my new friend.  Can't wait to try this out on my other sites...

So explore what I have now done with my new learning on buttons on my school's website:

Happy exploring and creating with Google Sites!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Digital Learning - Believe in Yourself

Mauria te pono
Believe in yourself

Digital Technology is fast changing.  As an educator and a leader, keeping up with them is something I aspire to. 

I am many things: fast learner, keen learner, seeker of new ideas and make things easy.  I think at times I surprise myself with my learning and also knowledge and how this is transferred. 

I know I have an inquiring mind, willing to find out more...

Over the past two years, all these things have not changed...and I continue to surprise myself.  Here is the list of new learning or learning into practice:

  • Achieved: Google Educator Level 1
  • Created:  Bitmoji of myself

  • Became: Minecrafter - no longer a "noob" (as my son would often refer to me as being)
  • Created: new website for the school using Google Sites -
  • Facilitated:  toolkits & unconference workshops - truly embracing the pedagogy of "Learn Create Share" to do so (new learning definitely)
  • Explored: Coding - and led a workshop on this
  • Created: a blog I am happy to share with more than with just my 'trusted' friends
Gee whiz...if I can do it, anyone can.  You just need time, focus and an belief in yourself.  And sometimes, you just need to can't break it! 

Community Engagement

He waka eke noa
A canoe which we are all in

As a school we have put on two parent meetings this year. Opportunities for parents and their children to learn fun ways to embrace learning writing and maths at home. We had a great turnout from our parent community and their children...our learners.  

It is a great interactive session where students...parents and teachers can work together sharing ideas and games that can be played at home. 

It is an awesome feeling observing the magic that is engagement with our community. 

Our last evening, focused on Maths created such a buzz. 

I am proud of our teachers, who on both community events, contributed to the atmosphere. 

 Thank you team!

Finally success is in the organisation.  

Thank you to the Senior Leadership, the Support Staff and Deby (the Community Engagement co-leader) for the great teamwork.

Ready to reap the rewards with our students!