What a stack of new learning today and exploring tools in such a different way.
Firstly, SHARE....the focus of today.
Sharing is not just standing up in front of the class and talking about your work, nor about sitting next to an adult to share, putting the child's work in the school newsletter or even putting your work on the classroom wall.
We have the capacity to extend our audience beyond the classroom, beyond the community to the wider 'community', putting it in a global context. We have access to technology.
Giving our students to engage with the Share aspect of the Learn Create Share Pedagogy. One thing to remember in this pedagogical practice is that our Learn Create Share is not just linear, that we can share at any stage of the learning process and that is it not just the final product.
On reflection, I feel we don't always give our students or the timing for them to share to their audience. I wonder how many tasks in your class remain unfinished. So I ask, what is the purpose of the learn, create, share - are students capturing their audience!?
One thing I have learnt, in particular, challenging my own beliefs, is that the publishing to the blog is not about perfection. As a classroom teacher, putting work on the wall was about editing and ensuring it was perfect - no mistakes. Blogging is not about that - it is about sharing your progress. So I am embracing this...I was always worried about posting a blog, was it correct, was it right...
Putting myself out there!
Finally, developing positive sharing habits with our students whilst using Blogger will support our future to leave positive footprints!
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