
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Moving on up!

It has been a great 9 weeks of learning.  I started this journey in Lockdown with a keenness to learn new and exciting things about Google and Learn Create Share:  A bit like, "you don't know what you don't know" - with the attitude of not professing to know everything, I embarked with an open mind!

Here is a reflection of the past 12+ weeks with Lockdown, PLD and in particular, my DFI Journey.

The experience of learning is never lost on me.  Whether I am a 'girlie swat' or a 'lifelong learner' - we are and should be on the look for opportunities to learn, extend, reinforce and just to know!

Thanks to Manaiakalani Trust for this opportunity and to the support from my facilitator Gerhard.


  1. Congratulations Lou, it has been great reading your blog posts throughout your DFI learning and seeing how you are sharing your new learning with your team. Fantastic that you have earned a couple of new badges for your blog now too, share them with pride!


  2. Mrs FoxJuly 15, 2020 at 9:21 AM
    Thank you Cam. Appreciate the support you have given me during my DFI Learning. Badges are up and I just love them! Girlie Swot Power onto the next learning!!
    PS - I had this! Lol
